Cost Average Calculator

Calculate the average price of your positions if you were to cost average up/down.

Shares Owned

The total number of shares you own for this asset.

Average Price

The average price of each share in your current position.

Shares Traded

The number of shares you wish to buy or sell.

Market Price

The current market price of the stock.

Total Shares

The total number of shares owned in your new position.

Position Average

The average price per share of your new position.

Total Position

The total value of your new position.

DPS Amount

The difference in price per share between your current position and your new position.

DPS Percent

The percentage difference in price per share between your current position and your new position.

Total Difference

The total discount or premium contributed to your new position by trading the shares specified.

P & L Before

The profit and loss of your current position.

P & L After

The profit and loss of your new position.